Site Information

Author: Beth Agnew
Common sense educator, and master synthesizer, Beth is also a business consultant, writer, speaker, teacher, coach, and laughter leader. She is the author of Water: the Miracle Cure, and other publications.

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Beth's College Site
Seneca College

March 14, 2005


A group of six people, aligned in harmony, and committed to achieving the utmost in prosperity and abundance can be a powerful force. Six provides two groups of three, or three groups of two. This organization is useful if you want to have smaller groups of people working on different aspects of a problem, or to springboard creative thinking when the group itself is stalled.

A group of six is manageable and can easily fit around a table. A group of six can travel together in one vehicle, and walk together down the street within hearing distance of each other. Six people can have a discussion without anyone feeling left out.

The hexagon, a six-sided figure, is a strong symbol in nature. The cells of a beehive honeycomb are hexagonal. The hexagon shape gives the cells the greatest area for holding honey, is easy to construct, and multiple cells can be placed together without any wasted space. Indeed, they even "lock" together when placed side by side, and the pieces reinforce each other.

What can your Smart Six™ group help you accomplish?