DIVINE DISCONTENT-----------------------------------------
Sometimes things don't go the way we had planned, or even the way we expected. We know we have to be prepared for obstacles in our path and the setbacks that naturally occur on a day to day basis as part of life.
But every now and then it seems that
nothing is working out. Maybe you've had new business ideas or plans for new projects, and you can't seem to get them to move forward. Perhaps the reasons for the delays or lack of momentum seem trivial and pointless. You know they are good and worthy endeavors, but you can't seem to get things going.
Your frustration level builds, and you may even begin to doubt your own abilities.
Rather than get down on yourself or your circumstances, see this instead as divine discontent. The universe is giving you a message that your direction needs changing. Further effort in a fruitless direction would sap your energy and your will, so it's time to stop and take stock of where you are in your business or your life, and determine what new direction you should follow to regain your momentum.
Attune yourself to the messages you are getting from the universe. It's the creator's way of telling you there is more in store, but just in a different direction.